You can do anything.

Whatever it is that God is telling you to do, you are already equipped to do it.

Your journey with God is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

You owe it to yourself to be all that God has created you to be.

We can grow together. Check out my page for some tools and resources for your walk with God.

Sis, you need this breakthrough!

If you’re looking for a better life, grab this book. This book will teach you how to create the life that you desire through the words of your mouth. Your words matter and are the most powerful weapon you have to cast you into the successful future you desire.

Hey, beautiful.

I’m an author and motivator for aspiring women.

Through Biblical teachings, mentorship and events, I help people determine their purpose in life, create the lives they desire, grow spiritually and step out of their comfort zones.

I have a degree, certifications and 20+ years of teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ…but my real expertise comes from lived experience. Alongside my husband of 13 years, I’ve seen God move mountains that I didn’t even know faith could move.

My work is dedicated to the woman who works silently doing what she does for those around her because of love. To the woman who has been knocked down a couple of times but refused to quit: keep pushing. I’m praying for you and God’s got your back.

“What distinguishes a candle from other lights is that it appeals to your soul, not your eyes.”

— Stephanie Morgan